
Firefox 2 离上市不远了!!!期待ing

Mozilla已经发布Firefox2的Beta版本,为了迎战IE7.0,我们正期待她,FireFox 2的两大特点:



Mozilla's forthcoming Firefox 2 browser moved closer to its final release when the company announced that the browser has offically moved beyond its beta-testing phase by issuing a Release Candidate 1 (RC1) version.

The new version includes built-in phishing protection, which Mozilla says will check sites against a list of suspected phishing sites and warn the user.

Also new to Firefox 2 is a "session restore" feature that in the event of a crash or shutdown by an installer will re-launch all of the browsers windows, tabs, and active downloads in the same state they were in at the time of the crash.

As it is not a final release, Mozilla cautioned that features and plug-ins may not function properly. Users should also be aware that the installation will overwrite any previous version of Firefox.

The Firefox browser, launched in 2004, was estimated last June to comprise 15 per cent of the North American market, and 20 percent in Europe.
